IBM 終於願意賠錢啦.
小弟我可是在短短三個月內, 更換過 10 顆這一型 HDD 的人
還有 DOA 的 -_-!
雖然只是 US$100.- 不過不無小補, 回家找找看好了,
只是上上個月才丟了一台 30G 的 IBM….., US$100.- 就這樣被我拿去回收了 Orz
ref. IBM Deskstar 75GXP鬧劇今日告終
ref. gslin’s IBM Deadstar Deskstar
IBM Deskstar 75GXP Class Action Website
Engadget Chinese
不過得注意一下: 他是說只賠給居住在美國的消費者喔.
補上最後一個 Link 和一段話
All persons and entities in the United States who, during the period March 15, 2000 through March 4, 2005, purchased for their own use and not for resale or distribution (i) a new Qualifying 75GXP from IBM or from any entity authorized by IBM to sell such 75GXP, or (ii) a pre-assembled computer system that contained as a component a new Qualifying 75GXP. Excluded from the Class are IBM employees and those persons who have executed releases releasing IBM from liability concerning or encompassing any or all claims that are the subject of this Action.