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The Top 10 Movie of 2008

Times 選出 Top 10 Everything of 2008 , 我節錄 Top 10 Movie of 2008 的部份

1. WALL-E (瓦力)
WALL-E (by richliu(有錢劉))

2. Synecdoche, New York (紐約劇中劇, 台灣不上映)
Synecdoche, New York (by richliu(有錢劉))

3. My Winnipeg (夢遊冰雪地, 台北電影節有上映)
My Winnipeg (by richliu(有錢劉))

4. 4 Months, 3 Weeks & 2 Days(4月3週又2天, 羅馬尼亞電影, 坎城金棕櫚桂冠)
4 Months, 3 Weeks & 2 Days (by richliu(有錢劉))
5. Milk (自由大道, 西恩潘詮釋首位公開同志身分的政治家哈維米克(Harvey Milk)電影)
MILK (by richliu(有錢劉))

6. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button(班傑明的奇幻旅程, 2008 耶誕節上映, 台灣 2009 )
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (by richliu(有錢劉))

7. Slumdog Millionaire (貧民富翁)
Slumdog Millionaire (by richliu(有錢劉))

8. Iron Man (鋼鐵人)
Encounters at the End of the World (by richliu(有錢劉))

9. Speed Racer(駭速快手)
Speed Racer (by richliu(有錢劉))

10. Encounters at the End of the World(冰旅記事)
Encounters at the End of the World (by richliu(有錢劉))

韋納荷索(Werner Herzog)拍攝南極洲美景記錄片.

這 10 部中, 扣掉未上映的 The Curious Case of Benjamin Button 以外, 還有 9 部電影.

我今年只看過 WALL-E 和 Iron Man (果然是 Hollywood 電影愛好者),

3 留言

  1. Van Hazard

    只能趁小孩睡覺偷偷看 Iron Man,

  2. ...

    can you help me find what movie is doing in cinema at 11/2/08?
    i need to know what movie is that…
    i’ll be back to see your good news…

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