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這真是太歡樂了……… U.S. Grants Patent For Broad Range Of Internet Rich Applications

information week 看到的, U.S. Grants Patent For Broad Range Of Internet Rich Applications


The patent–issued on Valentine’s Day–covers all rich-media technology implementations, including Flash, Flex, Java, Ajax, and XAML, when the rich-media application is accessed on any device over the Internet, according to the patent holders.

所有的 Web 2.0 Application 或是網站提供者, 像是 Google Video , 或是股票網站(用 JAVA 看盤) 等等 都要向這家奇怪的公司拿取授權~
這真是歡樂呀 XD

United States Patent Methods, systems, and processes for the design and creation of rich-media applications via the internet
