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Gentoo 2007.0 Released

Gentoo Linux 2007.0 released
本次名稱代號 “Secret Sauce”
Release Information

千呼萬喚屎^H始出來呀, 等好久了 🙂

節錄 Release Note

This release
includes a completely rewritten version of the Gentoo Linux Installer on the
AMD64 and x86 LiveCD and LiveDVD images. It also includes GNOME 2.16.2, KDE
3.5.5, Xfce 4.4, Mozilla Firefox, 2.1.0, and the 2.6.19
Linux kernel.


Updated hardware support is among the highlights of the x86 release. Besides
the many updated office and productivity packages x86 also brings an update to
GLIBC 2.5.

On amd64 you can enjoy updated 32-bit emulation libraries improving support
for many closed source applications and browser plugins.

x86 and amd64 also provides both hardened and non-hardened stages in this
release. Hardened stages are still using GCC 3.4.6 and GLIBC 2.3.6 but it's
possible to upgrade from hardened to non-hardened stages, if needed.

不過我是跟 Current 的,
KDE 是用 3.5.6
OpenOffice 用 2.2.0 及 2.6.21 Kernel…….

1 留言

  1. JLS

    昨天在 有看到了,不過還不能抓.(應該還是鎖住吧,只是各大 mirror 站在同步)


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